What is Black Women’s Liberatory Leadership (BWeLL) Praxis? 

BWLL Praxis is

  • Grounded in the interiority of the full range of Black women’s beingness in ALL SHAPES, ALL FORMS, and ALL WAYS we are Black women.

  • Truth-telling, even in and especially in difficult times.

    “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” Zora Neale Hurston

  • Ambitious about freedom. 

  • Guided by an ethic of relational, self, community, and spiritual care 

  • Cultivates the leadership growth and development of others 

  • Cultivates a climate of peace, clarity, and calm

It is not 

  • Cosplaying white supremacist organizational culture

  • Attempting to access the power over others

  • Obsessed with the trappings of the oppressor by oppressing others

  • Over-valuing capital over sentient beings 

  • Reactive to misogynoir.
    It is in and of itself!


Black Women’s Liberatory Leadership (BWLL) Praxis

Black Women’s Liberatory Leadership (BWeLL) Praxis are the leadership mindsets and maneuvers we observe in a diverse group of Black women. Black women move and ascend despite efforts to keep us in our place. It is seen in the relentless pursuit of our foremothers and evidenced in the fire we see in ourselves, stoked by a vision for our future that makes good on the sacrifices of our ancestors. 


Rather than centering how Black women can become better adjusted to restrictive systems, I ask:

  • How are Black women leading?

  • What can we learn from them?

  • How can we amplify and support them in their leadership and well-being?